Wednesday, January 21, 2009

That time of the lunar cycle again

So time to post another thing up here. OurClass is starting to come along nicely although it's tied into a Microsoft Live account - be nice to see how this whole social medium plays out.

I'm rooting for Open Ended systems which allow for the spreading of knowledge and chooses participant reliability over authoritarian dogma - but I'm fairly certain there is a need for research and development which can only come from closed and paid for sources.

Either way, walking the happy medium between the 2 generates a much more balanced and liberal world for all. Open Source and free debate on all issues can only shake the foundations of a society based on class and discrimination - which in itself probably won't finish it but will certainly upend it enough for a better deal of social justice for all and hopefully within my lifetime so I can see some of it.

Speaking of witnessing huge social change, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama became the President of the United States of America yesterday. Not bad work for a man with his youth and skin tone - hopefully this will draw those who sympathise with the powers that oppress to a better understanding that we all share the world.

Well judging by my posting calendar it'll be December 21st 2012 before I make my next post - let's hope the Mayans were only kidding eh!?!

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